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California Democrats Unite to Strengthen Gun Control Laws

As excerpted from US News & World Report

DEMOCRATIC California lawmakers joined former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona Monday to announce the creation of a gun violence working group.

The group, comprised of 16 members of both the state Assembly and state senate, met with Giffords, who survived a mass shooting in 2011, for a roundtable before they held the press conference.

The lawmakers have voiced concern over Washington's lack of response to the nation's growing gun violence and are proposing laws such as new taxes on firearms and monthly limits on gun purchases, according to Courthouse News Service.

"Thoughts and prayers from Washington won't keep our kids safe," Assemblyman Jesse Gabriel said Monday. "What we need are common-sense gun laws that will protect our schools, our families and our communities."

California lawmakers form gun-violence working group after meeting with Gabrielle Giffords

As excerpted from the Los Angeles Times

Sixteen California lawmakers met Monday with former U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona, who was gravely wounded in a 2011 mass shooting, and agreed to form a working group to develop and pass gun control laws that can serve as a model for other states and the nation.

The working group will put together a package of gun laws, including new taxes on firearms for anti-violence programs, and submit them to Gov. Gavin Newsom for approval.

The Democratic state legislators said they are frustrated by inaction in Washington on the issue of gun violence and are hopeful that Newsom will be sympathetic to their efforts to further restrict the availability of firearms in California.

“Thoughts and prayers from Washington won’t keep our kids safe,” said Assemblyman Jesse Gabriel of Van Nuys after the closed-door meeting with Giffords. “What we need are common-sense gun laws that will protect our schools, our families and our communities.”

Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel Welcomes Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords to State Capitol, Announces Creation of Gun Violence Prevention Working Group in State Legislature

SACRAMENTO, CA – Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel (D-San Fernando Valley) today welcomed former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords to the State Capitol. In a roundtable meeting with the Congresswoman, Assemblymember Gabriel and his colleagues discussed their efforts to craft a package of new laws to prevent mass shootings and reduce gun violence.

Gabriel Appointed To Assembly Leadership

SACRAMENTO – Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel (D-San Fernando Valley) announced today that he has been appointed by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon to serve as Assistant Majority Whip of the State Assembly.