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California State Assembly Passes Legislation to Increase Penalties for Corporate Malfeasance, Fund Crime Victim Service Programs

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO, CA — Today, the California State Assembly passed Assembly Bill (AB) 2432, a bipartisan bill that would increase financial penalties for corporations convicted of criminal wrongdoing while providing essential funding for programs serving crime victims, including victims of domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault, and child abuse.

“AB 2432 is about fairness and justice — when major corporations break the law, they must be held accountable,” said Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel (D-Encino). “The enhanced penalties in this bill will ensure that bad actors cannot evade responsibility when they defraud or exploit vulnerable Californians or illegally pollute our environment. At the same time, AB 2432 will also provide critical funding for programs that serve crime victims in California, including victims of human trafficking, domestic violence, and child abuse. I am grateful to Attorney General Bonta for his sponsorship of the bill and I look forward to working closely with him to better protect our communities and support crime victims across the Golden State.”

Historically, crime victim service programs have been funded through the federal Crime Victims Fund, which is now facing a significant decline in resources. For fiscal year 2024, these resources will be 41 percent lower nationwide compared to fiscal year 2023. The proposed enhancements in AB 2432 will help ensure corporate offenders are held accountable for the full extent of their crimes and will provide essential funding to organizations that serve crime victims across California.

AB 2432 is supported by a broad coalition of law enforcement, victims services organizations, and criminal justice groups that includes Attorney General Rob Bonta, the California Partnership to End Domestic Violence, Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking, California Women’s Law Center, and the Ventura, Los Angeles, Fresno, and Santa Clara County District Attorneys, among many others. 2

Following passage from the Assembly, AB 2432 now advances to the State Senate.


Jesse Gabriel proudly represents the San Fernando Valley in the California State Legislature.