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Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel Successfully Advances 14 Bills to the California State Senate

For immediate release:

SACRAMENTO, CA — The California State Assembly concluded its House of Origin week on Friday, May 24, marking a successful legislative period during which Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel garnered significant bipartisan backing for the passage of the following fourteen bills: 

AB 2316 - School Food Safety Act 

Would protect students by prohibiting schools from serving foods that contain seven harmful chemicals linked to cancer, DNA damage, and behavioral and developmental issues in children. 

AB 2331 - Voluntary Carbon Offset Transparency 

Combats corporate greenwashing and improves protections for buyers and sellers of voluntary carbon offset credits.

AB 2432 - Funding Victim Services Through Corporate Accountability 

Holds corporate criminals accountable and provides ongoing funding for programs serving victims of domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual assault and other crimes.

AB 2455 - The Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act

Strengthens and modernizes local and state whistleblower hotline laws and adds protections to prevent the misuse of state funds.

AB 2505 - Increasing Pro-Bono Legal Services 

Encourages attorneys to report their pro bono hours to the State Bar thereby helping legal service providers to better direct services to at-risk communities across the state.

AB 2550 - The Small Business Support Act

Supports small businesses by updating outdated regulations and cutting unnecessary red tape. 

AB 2608 Student Safety and Sexual Violence Prevention Trainings

Updates higher education sexual assault prevention trainings to protect students from sexual assault and increase access to confidential support and resources. 

AB 2621 - Hate Crime Reduction and Community Safety Act 

Requires law enforcement trainings on hate crimes to include education on how gun violence restraining orders can prevent an escalation in hate-based violence. 

AB 2728 - Enhancing the Affordable Housing on Faith and Higher Education Lands Act

Supports the construction of affordable housing on lands owned by faith institutions and colleges.

AB 2822 - The Safer Homes Act 

Authorizes the CA Department of Justice to collect data on whether a firearm is removed from a household in response to a domestic violence call. 

AB 2835 - Securing Motel Rooms for Homeless Families 

Helps to provide housing to homeless families in motels. 

AB 2867 -  Justice for Victims of Wartime Theft

Assists California residents in reclaiming art or other personal property looted during the Holocaust or other acts of persecution.

AB 2899 - Safe Nurse-to-Patient Ratios

Strengthens enforcement measures to ensure hospitals comply with safe nurse-to-patient staffing and prioritize patient safety. 

AB 3160 - Low-Income Housing Tax Credits 

Secures $500 million annually in funding for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits through 2031, facilitating the construction of tens of thousands of affordable units across California.

Following passage from the Assembly, these bills now advance to the State Senate.


Jesse Gabriel proudly represents the San Fernando Valley in the California State Legislature.

More information about the bills can be found here.